
Hauntings, Ghosts and Supernatural Places in Durham NC

Durham, North Carolina is home to a number of spooky legends and stories of paranormal activity. Here are a few of the most notable hauntings in the area:

  1. The Carolina Theatre: This historic theater is said to be haunted by the ghost of a former projectionist named Fred. According to legend, Fred died in the projection booth during a movie screening and his ghost has been seen and heard in the theater ever since. Some people claim to have heard him whispering in their ear or felt his presence behind them.

  2. Duke University: Duke University has a number of ghost stories associated with it. One of the most famous is the legend of the “Phantom of the Bell Tower.” According to the story, a student named Eugene Morehead died in a construction accident while working on the bell tower. His ghost is said to haunt the tower to this day, and can be heard ringing the bell on quiet nights.

  3. The Devil’s Tramping Ground: Located just outside of Durham, the Devil’s Tramping Ground is a circular clearing in the woods that is said to be the site of supernatural activity. According to legend, the devil himself comes to this spot at night to pace back and forth in a circle. No vegetation grows in the circle, and some people claim to have seen strange lights and heard eerie noises in the area.

  4. Stagville Plantation: Stagville Plantation was once one of the largest plantations in North Carolina. Today, the site is a historic landmark and museum, but some people believe that it is also haunted by the ghosts of former slaves. Visitors have reported seeing apparitions and hearing strange noises on the property.

These are just a few of the many ghost stories and legends associated with Durham, North Carolina. Whether you believe in the paranormal or not, these tales make for some spooky local lore.

Learn more about the Durham Dark & Mysterious Ghost Walk here.